The Disposable Cup Problem
The company Coffee Time was established in 1982. The small chain is affordable and great tasting beverages and food. Since then, the planet has gone through many changes. Coffee cups have a large negative impact on the environment. Therefore, we have decided to take part in a movement that gives back. Reusable coffee cups in the industry benefits the consumer too! We want to promote the use of a reusable cup.
Coffee Times Solution: Invest in one our reusable coffee cups and one in-store refill is free!
Coffee Time is offering an incentive. This incentive pushes environmentally conscious thinking. This also wont negatively impact coffee intake!
Over 500 billion coffee cups have been used and thrown away each year. Coffee cups are single use item. As a result, this waste is a major pollution hazard. Since coffee cups are complicatedly made, it makes recycle rate slow. As a result of packaging, standard recycling can’t be used. We are only recycling 1% of cups. Therefore, as consumers, we need to be aware and take responsibility.
Un-recycled plastic takes hundreds of years to break-down. This has a negative impact on the natural environment. Plastic as well as paper affect the environment. As a result, both materials contribute to the carbon footprint.
As coffee lovers, help us help the environment. Help us do our part towards a cleaner future…
The Reusable Product
…To do our part, Coffee Time has a collection of reusable mugs. We want to raise awareness, this is our product. They will be available year around. As well, holiday themed travel mugs will be sold. Lastly, the mugs are available in glass/BPA free plastic. These mugs help reduce cups from landfills.
To See more products, visit our website. The link provides information on the menu as well. Also, beverage container options are also provided.
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