What is Abortion

An Abortion is basically the killing of a human being; usually done during the first 28 weeks.

It is forcing an undeveloped baby from the womb to the outside world and killing its existing life.

A number of studies clearly showed that killing a baby has a direct connection to mental health issues.

P.K Coleman, C.T. Coyle and V.M Rue conducted one study. It states Late abortion and openness to stress symptoms found in Journal of Pregnancy, Volume 2010.

You can either accept abortion and confirm it being legal in the country; you can decline the choice and prefer it to be illegal.

The facts of accepting it can lead to a better life for the young, raped pregnant teenager. It could be the best option, if you were 16.

When pregnancy grows, risks are increased. Although, it may not be better than you hd originally thought.

Abortion is hurtful because it has unfortunate effects on your emotional state and mind. It can also cause miscarriages in the future and it is killing a life and thus makes you a killer; sort of.






Side Effects

The question is, why would abortion have bad effects on your emotional state and the human mind? It can affect each woman differently.

Some women experience side effects from Sadness, which is most serious, to a mild regret.

An important reason is related to harmful psychological or emotional effects. Which has to do with the belief of whether you think the baby is not a baby until it is born.

Usually have a less chance of experiencing the negative emotional result but those who strongly believes that is a baby are likely experience these bad emotional effects.

Mental Health could be the problem for your mind or emotional effects.

Some side effects could include feeling regret, presenting anger, feeling shame, guilt, feeling alone, loss of confidence, trouble sleeping or nightmares.

There can be others such as relationship issues with your partner, family or friends, suicidal thoughts and feelings, eating disorders, depression and last but not least anxiety.

If you or someone you know has done an abortion, the chances of unexpected emotional or mind side effects are likely.

Women with abortions also had 59 percent increased risk for suicidal thought, 61 percent increased risk for mood disorders, 61 percent increased risk for social anxiety disorders, 261 percent increased risk for alcohol abuse and 280 percent increased risk for any substance use disorder. These risks can be bad to the human body as well as life


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