Dan Harmon , the creator of the television shows, Community and Rick and Morty, is a Tragic Hero. Many people, like myself, went from not even knowing who the creator of these shows were, to following multiple projects. One of these projects, is a podcast called “Harmontown” http://www.harmontown.com/. People love this style podcast that is delivered, which became zero structure show. Throughout the week Dan Harmon writes down events, and things to cross his mind, to talk about on air. As I watched/listened more and more, it became very clear that not only is he a story telling and comedy writer genius, but also a very sad case.

Tragic Hero

He and his guests (including his now ex-wife) make comments about his drinking, and incredible lack of sleep. Although these comments have been in jest, many of these things are the truth. Because of the way he talks about the world, and especially his country, it becomes clear that he is in a very dark place looking at the world in it’s current state.

A sketch of Harmontown


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